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​Lunch with the Grandpas and Grandmas at SaiSahara Old Age Home



The concept of OLD AGE Homes still gives us a question mark, thinking about the subtle mental condition of a son or a daughter which makes them think of sending their parents (who made them make their first step) to an orphaned state at an Old Age Home. Today’s technological revolution is making more and more old age and shelter homes to come up, because in this money making materialistic world we are forgetting the value of love, being loved and giving it back to the needy.

On behalf of Shraddh or Shraddha (a ritual wherein we honour our great grandparents and beloved) we visited Sai Sahara Old Age Home at Todapur, Rajendra Place and made the grandpas and grandmas stretch their wrinkles, smile at least for a short while. The event was conceptualized and sponsored by Mr.Rajesh Arora (Good Enough NGO) and Orchestrated by Meenakshi Paswan (Old Age Home Projects Leader, HelpingBrainz) and Dr.Shweta Yadav (Volunteer, HelpingBrainz).

It’s better to serve, honour, help and at least love them when their alive rather than calling a function to remember them.




You’re soon going to be in their shoes

Time Flies

With tears of happiness,
